Sunday, October 24, 2010

Voting : The Vulnerabilities Underneath.

A couple weeks from now , its going to be November and "Voting" will once again be upon us.  In this Blog I'll cite sources for more information for you to look over and I'm also going to expose the vulnerabilities hidden within the "Voting System" of today.
Many of you may not realize this , but there is a huge vulnerability within the Electronic Ballot Counters. That lets anyone with a sense of Basic Hacking and Technical Skills be able to get into the machines through a back door and be able to change the Ballot outcomes to what ever they would want them to be.

The 2000 Bush vs Gore Election started the whole "Electronic Counting" scene , because of the supposed "Half-way punched-out Hand Ballots".  As a result of this although Gore clearly won the election Fairly , Bush ended up winning by a Florida Recount.  This is what brought about the Electronic Counters and even later the Electronic Voting Machines that you use a Touch-Screen Monitor to vote instead of using a "Traditional Ballot".

Other Sources for More Info on this Subject (Links are below)

Electronic Voting

Vulnerablities of Voting Electronic

More Vulnerabilities of Voting Electronically

Vulnerabilities Confirmed

More Evidence of Vulnerablities Confirmed

Should Voting being Electronic or Not ?

The Definition of the Term Conspiracy


noun \kən-ˈspir-ə-sē\
plural con·spir·a·cies

Definition of CONSPIRACY

: the act of conspiring together
a : an agreement among conspirators
b : a group of conspirators
Note *
This does not have anything to do with the Modern Term "Conspiracy Theorist".