Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween : Is it All Hallows Eve (All Saints Day) or The Festival of Samhain

Ah , Halloween : The supposed Holiday that kids get to dress up in costumes and go Trick-or-Treating to get candy.  Pretty much everyone in America celebrates Halloween , even churches celebrate Halloween. 

Halloween wasn't always called by its current name.  There was once a much darker name given to it and it was celebrated only by the Pagan Celtic Druids.  The only difference is that it wasn't celebrated by Dressing up as strange creatures in order to get candy , It was celebrated by burning Children and Animals to a pagan deity known as Ba'al to signal the end of the dark / cold part of the year. 

He (Ba'al) is now known by the name Lord.  The true name for Elohim (God) is and always has been "Yahweh" , (Note* When I mention Elohim I am not refering to the deity called El).

Satan tricked everyone into calling *Yahweh* by the name Ba'al or Lord.  Whenever you use the name Lord in prayer or talking to anyone else , Your refering to Ba'al.  Christians , if you don't believe what I am telling you.  Look into a nearby Bible , Yes ! the one that you haven't read since you joined your local Church. 

Here is one picture of the False God known as Ba'al :

The KJV uses the name Ba'al (Lord) at least a thousand or more times.  It even goes into telling you in one part of the bible about the Ba'al Worshippers that were worshipping Ba'al and burning an offering to it , while Elijah a
"Prophet of the Israelites" makes an offering to Yahweh and he accepts the offering and answers his prayer.  Now what does that tell you ???

I'm not trying to burn down your faith , because I am also a Christian and I believe with all my heart that Yahshua (Hebrew Name for Jesus) is the Messiah and died for me on the Cross.  However I do not celebrate Christmas ; Halloween ; Thanksgiving ; Valentines Day ; or New Years.

All I'm saying is to do a little research into "The Bible" and actually read it.  It helps out a lot with understanding if you actually read it instead of just going to Church and listening to your pastor read his bible.  Hopefully this made you think twice about celebrating Halloween in a couple weeks.

Thank You ! For taking time out of your life to hear some truth.

-Dr. Dartz

Resources for More info Regarding Ba'al Worship / Halloween origins :